ratesheetCirculation: Delivered to 5,000 households from Lexington Parkway to 35E, and from University Avenue to Pierce Butler Route in St. Paul. An additional 1,000 copies are delivered through area businesses and institutions.

Audience: Frogtown is St. Paul’s most diverse neighborhood. Its 15,500 residents are a third Black or African American, a third Asian, about 20 percent Caucasian and about ten percent Hispanic or Latino.

Discounts: Greening Frogtown offers discounts for repeat insertions.

  • 2-3 insertions: 5%
  • 4+ insertions: 10%

Publication Schedule
: Greening Frogtown is published on the first weekday of January, March, May, July, September and November.

File Formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, 300 ppi

More Information:

Patricia Ohmans, Publisher, 651.757.5970, patricia.ohmans@gmail.com
Anthony Schmitz, Editor, 651.757.7479, apbschmitz@gmail.com